Monday, February 27, 2012

Let the Quilts begin!

Let the Quilts begin!!

Hello! My last time at the YMCA it was time to starts our quilt project. Unfortunately Ms.Nelly couldnt be with us, but Alexis and Ishmel joined us. First we discussed two themes we have been talking about all of this time: Family and food. After that we begin to draw our quilt "sketch" in a big cardboard. We decides to start with a huge heart in the middle and then part from there. Alexis helped Kenya with the heart, while Ishmel was planning what to draw, and I was starting to draw our favorite food. After they finished the contour of the heart. Ishmel started to draw ocean and fish inside it. Alexis drew her and her family. We were really excited drawing!

After we our sketch was done, we began to cut
the fabric into the shape of our drawings.

Alexis and I drawing.

We started cutting the fabric and I had a lot of fun making my fabric pizza!
Megan Klamroth

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Quilt time!

This week at the YMCA we started putting together our quilts! Each group will have a different quilt that tells a different story. My group is doing a quilt based on the family.
Mrs. Ruth and the kids I'm working with each one told me different stories about their families, the whole process is going quite well and I am really excited to see the final result of the quilt.
Here are some pictures I would like to share with you guys:


people says "the eyes pure children, the elderly eyes wisdom ". I think that is what I thought when i was there. actually, I had a wonderful time at there.

I'm so lucky can meet you guys.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Do you know what "Cut the Cheese" is??

          Today is 15 December, it was our third visit to YMCA. Unfortunately Mrs. Brown wasn’t able to come so our group has changed. We are still a group of 4 very different people, from different cultures and countries but somehow we were brought together and have this opportunity to share our life stories with each other.

          As Mrs. Brown couldn’t make it today, Tina has joined our gang. The topic that was given to us was “Good times” and none of us didn’t share full filled life moments. Savanna’s good times are when she is going to eat with her family out. She also enjoys taking pictures with a camera; but the most, she enjoys playing in the park. Ana, Tina and I were lost when Savanna told us that she loves to play “Cut the cheese”! As none of us had any ideas of what it is.

          Savanna has explained that ‘Cut the cheese” game involves a swing. Of course all of us enjoyed our time playing with friends and family on the swing when we were younger but we never heard what “cut the cheese” is! It turned out that the game seems to be very interesting but at the same time scary and dangerous: Here are the steps on how to play it:

1)      Two people sit on two different swings but they have to be in front of each other.

2)      One sits on the legs of another. (connecting your feet)

3)      Two people stand on both side of the swings and start to push swings from both sides.

4)      When you get scared, scream “CUT THE CHEESE” !!!!!

          I could never understand why families in movies always tent to have a barbeque on the weekends. Back in the country where I live, I noticed that English and American families grill and barbeque all of the time. To me, it felt as if it is the tradition of the country and so Tina agreed with me. People enjoy such gathering in here. When the weather is good they always invite friends and neighbor for the barbeque, Tina’s mom would even spend the whole night cooking! Fourth of July is a perfect time for this event; who wouldn’t enjoy barbeque, country music, dancing and playing?! Picnic for memorial day turned to be a tradition for Tina’s family, as it is a just the right time to get their TV outside, watch some movies and grill while the weather is pleasant.
           When we got to the food part, we couldn’t resist of just running out side to get some hot wings. You can grill anything like hot dog, pork chops, cheese burgers, hot wings, red lobster, and steak. Yup, it made us so hungry and you can’t even imagine how!

          Childhood is not a childhood without adrenaline…. Good times for Tina were not only enjoying her time with her family but also building ramps and riding the bicycle over them. Tina also remembered her school trip to Disney when she was 17 years old. I shared my own story when I almost fell from a ride into a street while having fun in Water Park; and Savanna stated that she loves roller coasters.
Savanna and Anna
          At the end one of us remembered the game “Hide and Seek” moreover it turned out that we all loved to play it. No matter from what country you are from, you will always find something that you have in common with others. We all have good times in our lives, no matter where and with whom it is, with our loved ones or friends. These memories can always cheer as up when there is something is wrong. Sometimes I really feel home sick, think that I don’t want anything but just get home to my mom and hug all of my furry angels that I miss so much. My furry babies make me happy each and every day even though I am too far from them <3

Thursday, February 23, 2012

YMCA, Exellent artwork !

YMCA, I am so excited to get there.
Today, I want to talk about my feeling about all thing, and I really want to show all of our work, which are so amazing. Let us go !

YMCA, I come back

After I went to YMCA many times, I really like there because we all change some new stuff when we were meeting in the school. I think about it is very interesting about that. So today I will show 2 times when I visited there. I will pose something that I got.
In that day, we had a big group that you can see the list from the paper.
“Hi everyone, you saw something was changed by me today. Oh I forgot tell you my name is Rebecca Johnson.” Rebecca Johnson said. We all knew that she wore the black hair.
I want to introduce these people to everyone because they are super nice and cute. The kid of the name is Zoey Braziel and near her is her mother whose name is Rebecca Braziel.

Today, our assignment is that we should write the favorite thing and draw them. Ok, let me show your guys some of their work.