Sunday, February 19, 2012

 Enjoying YMCA

Going to YMCA every Wednesday is becoming a 'Can't wait' day. I feel enthusiastic with the new  projects of the day.  The second time Olya and I met Ms.Brown, the elderly woman that lives in Savannah. We combined her thoughts and Savanna's thoughts about Savannah, the city. It was amazing listening to Ms. Brown describing Savannah completely different what is now. On the other hand, Savanna, the girl, tells us about Savannah just the way it is right now.

Ms. Brown (on the right) and I

Ms. Brown, Olya, Savanna and I made a great team. We also had to choose something that brings memories to us. I chose the hair curler (old fashion one) because I remembered the High School Days when I really wanted to have curly hair. I always had straight naturally hair, so i many times decided to make changes in hair. Ms Brown chose handkerchief because she liked the flower in it. She also said that she loves going to church, and every time she goes she carries handkerchief. Since she said she is a flower person, she even told us some experiences with flowers. She used to have many flowers. 'Sometimes when it did get cold and I had forgotten flowers out, I had to get up and put them inside as soon as I realized i did that', said Ms. Brown with so much love in her eyes for flowers. Every time she told us anything about her life, you could tell the was still feeling the same way. Her lovely voice made me more interested and curious about her life. While Olya she was recording the conversations, I could tell that she wanted to ask more questions. I guess she was interested and curious as well. Savannah with her head in her hands was listening intently.
We also had visitors today. Unfortunately I don't remember their name, but the sure were very nice. You can see in the first picture showed below.

After we were done with the scheduled time with elderly people, we (scad students of ESL Department) enjoyed taking picture all together. Of course in front of the mirror, so we would see how we looked like. I enjoy being part of this group of students that we go to YMCA. We all belong to different countries, have different cultures and we can speak other languages, but we all can speak English, too. Everyone is kind and lovely.

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