Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying reading my blogs as I am enjoying reading yours. This is becoming 'our story stitched together'. We make our blogs about what happens in YMCA, we share some similar stories and some very unique ones. This is making this Blog very interesting. I think that our professor Emily has done a great job by integrating us in this Beloved Community. 
As always so far, at the entrance of YMCA we see many little kids playing outside, and some other accompanied by their parents or the teachers.

Prof. Emily Gung, Kenya, Megan and I


As soon as we went to the room of YMCA, Olya and I were told that Ms. Brown was not able to come to the meeting because she was not feeling good. We felt sorry she could not come, and we hope she gets better, so she can come back next Wednesday. However, my team was not left alone. As Ms. Tina was telling the news about Ms. Brown, I asked her if she would like to be part of our team this time. Being the  very lovely person she is, she said, "Sure," without any hesitation. Olya, Savanna and I loved having Tina being part of our team!

Tina, Savanna, Olya and I   



This day was full of fun. Savanna made us laugh so much when she was trying to explain a unique game that she and her friends play. It is a play that they do while they are swinging and it's called 'Cut the cheese'. It looks something like the picture below :

Again, Olya and I are better listeners than talkers.  We did share some experiences though. Olya and I have similar experiences including roller coasters and swings. 
Tina explaining the way she played with her friends.
Tina shared with us her experiences of swinging with her sister. She told us her mum was very worried for them. "It was all fun for us", Tina said with a smile, "but I guess we didn't think about any risk at that time."  She says that now she thinks different, and when she sees even other kids swinging hard she gets worried.

All in all, spending time at YMCA convinces me that people are people, no matter where they come from, or what their beliefs are. If we act humanly we are humane and kind to each other.At the very end of the class, Savanna read in front of everyone else the letter she has written about what we all talked about during the entire class, and so did the other groups.

Until next Wednesday I wish you all the best,



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