Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Second Time's a Charm

[Lovely lady(on the left), Me(second from Left), Jason(Middle), Mrs.Williams(second from right), and Cáp(on the right)]

Hey everyone, this my second post here, I hope you'll enjoy it. today we went to the YMCA again, but this time they invited some lovely ladies for the community center for seniors in Savannah. We were again dived into groups. The group included two students and a child, like last time, but this time we get two additional members. The two members were Mrs.Williams, and Cáp. Oh! and unfortunately Armone is not with us, I don't know why but we got Twyla, who is such a cutie pie by the way. Anyways, we sat around a table and we were given basket that had items in them, and each of us had to pick up an item and then talk about (what they know, what they like, and anything they can tell us about it). So, Mrs.Williams took turn and picked up a 'Heated Hair Straightening Comb', which picture will be posted, and she told us how it works and how they used to use it in the 1930's to 1950's. It's basically a comb in which the combing part of it is made out of some sort of metal. They heated the metal part of it and the combed their hair carefully. They also, put a towel over they shoulders to protect them from burning when their flaming hairs would drop down after straightening. Second, Twyla pulled out an eraser that had a shape of a Christmas tree, and she just explained what an eraser does basically. Cáp, who is some who happens to working with the YMCA- at least that is what it appears like- and she is from France. She took turn after Twyla, and picked up something for sewing, and was pretty awesome, but I am not going to talk further about it. Jason went next, he picked up sunglasses and he told us how much he loved sunglasses, and how he got his first sunglasses. when he was a student at school, none of the students wore sunglasses and he was the first to wear them. he also liked sunglasses because he he thinks that his eyes are too small they make him look cooler. I went next, and my pick was about a giraffe finger puppet which was so cute.

Here's the picture of the cool retro hair straightener..

After we couldn't find anymore interesting things from the basket, we asked Mrs.Williams about Savannah back in the day, the parties, cool places, the change she witnessed, and the main holidays that were a big deal back then, etc. She told us all about her life, she was born in Hilton-Head and when she was in middle school she moved to Savannah, and ever since 1952 she is living in it. She told about how it was for them, and how they couldn't go anywhere because they weren't allowed to, because of the segregation for African-Americans at that time. Apparently, the movies were the mecca of the coolest people, and it was like best place to hang out- which is equivilant to clubs and bars nowadays. She also told us that the city didn't change much, and that it's just the people and cars that changed. For people, she says that people become untrusting like they used to be and that relationships grew weaker. And for cars, she says that it's just that people used public transportation less and started owning cars of their own. We shared stories about our holidays, and our cultures, and we really enjoyed hearing each others stories. Cáp told us all about the Crêpe holiday in France. 

We really enjoyed our time today it was really fun.

A retro washing machine (where technically the mom is the electricity) :P

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